




韜光養晦磨一劍 厚積薄發大作為




風雨飄泊悟人生 半生傳奇命玄理



博學多才不拘法 風水名師濟世情





獨創心靈風水學 環境心靈相結合

對於風水、命理,師傅的功效主要是領進門!因為師傅梁乃釗是世界級風水大師,他站在巨人的肩膀之上,靠自己先天智慧和後天努力,不僅將風水玄學發揚光大,還形成自己的系統。他吸取不同宗教的精華,巧妙地將佛教、道教以及基督教等宗教法則運用到風水理論中,便有了“心靈風水”法則的雛形。 蒙昭名認為人的心靈和思想的變化能影響每時每刻的運程,他說:“人以類聚,物以群分。富貴的人與富貴的人容易相聚,貧寒的人也與貧寒的人容易相聚。氣場亦一樣,好的氣場如喜氣、福氣、正氣會彙聚在一起,而壞的氣場如黴氣、怨氣、怒氣、濁氣等亦會彙聚在一起。一個開心的人容易遇到開心的事,一個悲哀的人自然容易遭遇悲哀的事。”

“想要徹底地改變命運,除了外在的風水佈局之外,最關鍵的還是要改變心境。”蒙昭名點出了當中的玄機:“風水的好壞決定著人的心境,而人的心境又決定著人的行為,因此,風水暢通則人心舒爽,辦起事來則得心應手。” 環境容易改變,心靈極難改變,但是環境與心靈的關係是相輔相成的。環境整潔、乾淨、佈局符合五行相生相剋的規律,自然則事事順利;一旦人們的生活變得有條理,順利,那麼他們的心境就會隨之豁達、寬容、愉悅,心靈風水也就相應產生了。如此迴圈,環境與心靈相互作用,相互影響,相得益彰。

對於未來,蒙昭名已經有完善的計畫,他目前正在著書立說,在理論高度上完善新一代風水學說。蒙昭名說:“這本書將從各個方面闡述風水,不僅從理論上完善、系統化,而且更為重要的是,讀者可以參照這本書,提供自助風水服務,讓更多的人獲得風水服務的好處。我希望這些書本出來之後,能有計劃翻譯成各種文字,讓全世界的人都能夠受益。” “心有多廣,業有多寬!”相信蒙昭名的風水人生還在一筆一筆勾畫,明天一定會更輝煌。


Sherman Meng

Master Sherman Meng, a man of heart and generosity, who with incredible life experiences and vast knowledge has created miracles repeatedly in the world of Feng Shui. He is proficient in Chinese Metaphysics, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, Numerology, Geomancy and Chinese Astrology, etc… His motto is “Fate can be changed except for the unwilling”. He claims that the mind determines fate and can alter fate; those who ask and are grateful for what they receive shall live abundantly.

The Beginning

Hardships create greatness. Sherman was born in Guangzhou, China in the early 60’s which was also the beginning of the ten year Cultural Revolution. Not only did his family go through all sorts of hardships during that time, he was bullied at school constantly. However, even at a young age he was able to use the harsh reality as an impetus to build himself.

By sheer serendipity, Sherman crossed path with the internationally renowned Chinese Metaphysics and Feng Shui Mastar Naizhao Leung when he was barely 16 years old, they soon became very close friends. After graduated from high school, Sherman was sent to a village outside of Guangzhou for 2 years, which was the turning point in his life. The simple and quiet village allowed him to focus, learn and build a solid foundation in Chinese Metaphysics.

The Path

There are numerous Chinese Feng Shui masters in the United States, but not many could rise up to the top so quickly as Sherman. Having a mentor as tremendous as Master Naizhao Leung is an undeniable factor, but Sherman’s own life experiences and realizations contributed greatly to his success as well…

20+ years ago, Sherman calculated/predicted that he’d encounter a colossal calamity should he had stayed in China, and he’d have to travel alone to Southeast Asia to avoid this dreadful fate. So he did, he drifted along Thailand, Burma, and Laos for more than 3 tough years, where he left some memorable footprints and began to discover the Universal Laws. Sherman believes that there’s a supreme power or force that governs all, as many would call it God. God is omnipresent, we can all ‘ask’ God for what we want, but only through a correct way can we get what we ask for. Feng Shui, according to him, is the correct way to communicate with God.

The ‘Inner Feng Shui’ Theories

“The changes of all phenomena in the Universe are closely related to the Five Elements”, he states. The most recent recession affected a lot of people and put many out of business, which created a huge demand for Master Sherman Meng’s Feng Shui expertise, and he successfully helped his clients turn their lives and businesses around. Sherman bases his practice on ‘results’, therefore he’d spend hours to measure each room and space to make sure all the angles and positions are accurate because accuracy is the key to results. His ultimate goal is to help his clients better their lives regardless how much time and effort it takes.

Subsequently Sherman created his own ‘Inner Feng Shui’ system by combining the internal (mind/thinking) and the external (Feng Shui environmental setting), it’s the culmination of his mentor’s training and his own wisdom and cultivation. He claims that one’s mind/thinking can change one’s fate/luck. We’ve heard “Birds of a feather flock together”, “like attracts like”, etc… the rich comes together and as the poor. He says “energy works the same way, positive energy (good chi) attracts more positive energy, like joy, luck, excitement, etc.. and negative energy (bad chi) attracts more negative energy, like anger, sorrow, despair, etc…” “In order for your fate or luck to change entirely, you must change your state of mind/thinking besides the external Feng Shui setting.” He further explains: “Feng Shui affects the thinking, the thinking affects the behavior, good Feng Shui betters the mind/thinking, causes everything to come easily.” “It’s much easier to change the environment than the thinking, so we start with the environment. An orderly place makes an orderly life and the mind becomes uncluttered and joyful, thus begins a positive chain reaction!”, says Sherman.

The Man, The Career

Other than being known as a Feng Shui Master, Sherman is also good at many other things. He’s always been interested in the traditional Chinese culture such as poetry, calligraphy, chess, martial arts and Chinese traditional medicine. He also loves music and playing the guitar. It is hard to believe that a man who excels in so many areas can still be low–profile and humble. Sherman is open-minded and is always the first to try new ideas. While he was learning from Master Naizhao Leung, not only did he study the complete traditional Feng Shui system but also the techniques of other Feng Shui sects. With this, and his research in Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity, he created his own powerful innovative Feng Shui system. His Feng Shui career didn’t start until 2008 but it took off immediately and has sky-rocketed ever since.

In only 5 years, Sherman now has loyal clients all over USA, Canada, China, Southeast Asia and Europe. He consults many well-known Corporations, 5-star Hotels, Banks, famous Entertainers/Celebrities, and multi-millionaires all over the world. To praise his contribution for the community, the American Post Office released a Sherman Meng Commemorative Stamp (Limited Edition) on February 1, 2012. He’s appointed as the official Feng Shui consultant by Qing Lv Industry Group of China in March, 2011; and was appointed the official Environmental Planner by the City of Jizhou, Province of Hebei in China 2 months later. On top of all this, Sherman is also the Vice Director of International Association of Chinese Traditional Culture, Director of the Institute of Book of Changes, and Vice Director and Secretary-General of Global Cultural Association Book of Changes.

The Future

Sherman is planning on writing a book about Feng Shui of a new generation. He says, “In this book, Feng Shui will be analyzed and explained from different perspectives, not only will it be systematic and well-rounded in theories, it’ll be a self-help book so the readers can use his Feng Shui tips to better their lives. I’d like it to be translated into many languages so everyone in this world can benefit from it…”

Master Sherman Meng – a man with the biggest heart and the brightest future!!